Saturday, March 4, 2017

New Animal and Spring Carnival + Mini Contest

Come one come all! Come to the greatest carnival of all!

Hello and welcome back to the Jamaa Herald! 

We had an update occur last week (sorry..!) and we had the new animal revealed, but before we do this, try to guess which animal is coming to Jamaa!

New animal is the... MOUNTAIN LION!

And with the new update, comes an event only here for two weeks. New diamond spring-themed items are avaliable in the diamond shop! These items are essentially re-colored (rare?) items.

Also, the (spring? summer?) Carnival has come back for a limited time only! 

I am also hosting a contest that ends a week from now. (3/11/17)
Basically download (or print!) this coloring page:
And color in the coloring page! You can color with colored pencils and scan it then post it and link it down below, or you can download it and color it with any program. 

The most creative entry will win a rare (tbd later) and be featured in a post! They will also be a guest author for a day 😀😀

Thats about all! Hope you guys have a lovely week and I'll see you when I announce the winners! 


  1. do you know any famous jammers like pizzadrop, Moosab, taliya or menifrost??? they're beta right???

    - wolfie

    1. Unfortunately no, this is not the place to ask me, I only joined in 2014, past beta. Please don't bring up beta topic on this blog.

  2. UGH! Why'd I see the contest now when it ends tomorrow?! D: I wish I could enter it but I doubt I'd get it finished in a day...


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