Saturday, March 18, 2017

Lucky Clovers | Cheats

Happy [late] St. Patty's day! 🍀🍀🍀
May the luck of the Irish be with you!

Anyways, here are some walkthroughs that can help you find those tricky clovers!
*Videos belong to their owners. I am not taking credit for any of their videos. Please give them a subscribe, a like, and/or a comment! *

Hopefully you found these videos helpful! Be sure to comment down your tips!


  1. Tips for blogging: This is sort of late, the Lucky Clover's "hype" has died a bit. Next post maybe I dunno, add in your own unique style and personality to the post. Okay, bye! :)

    1. I was going for more of a formal approach to this blog, my other blogs the AJ Sunshine and Dream Miner AJ, I tend to be a bit more.. unique!..


Just remember- USE COMMON SENSE WHEN COMMENTING. Ask your self..
~Is it relevant?
~Is it kind?
~Is it clean? (no vulgar language)